The Census Bureau recently came out with a bunch of data on US households from 2016. The data cover selected characteristics of households within different income groups. Here are the income groups along with the lower income limit for each:

_Household Income Groups by Lower Income Limit 2016-2.png

Previous posts addressed household income in relation to age of householders, number of earners per household, and type of housing. This time we'll look at the recent work experience of householders (what used to be called the "head of household)

_Household Income Groups by Work Experience 2016.png

What stand out to me is that the lowest-income households are mostly headed by individuals who are not working or working very little. What's happening here? Part is explained by age: about 57% of these householders are 55 or older. But obviously a lot of younger householders in the lowest-income group are not working either. Why not? Something to investigate and explore in future posts.