Below is a list of 11 public figures described as “prominent climate deniers working actively to mislead the public and delay policy action to address climate change”:
- Senator James Inhofe
- Marc Morano
- Chris Horner
- Myron Ebell
- Steve Milloy
- Patrick Michaels
- Bjørn Lomborg
- Matt Ridley
- Christopher Monckton
- Fred Singer
- Roy Spencer
Just because these individuals get saddled with the same label doesn’t mean they all think alike. In the following posts I’ll address where each one stands, using the following classification scheme*:
Position on Climate Change:
- Denies climate change is happening
- Uncertain climate change is happening
- Accepts climate change but considers it entirely due to natural fluctuations
- Accepts climate change may be partly due to humans but not convinced it’s a serious threat to the biosphere
- Accepts climate change is largely due to human activity but not convinced it’s a serious threat
- Accepts climate change is largely due to human activity and also considers it a serious threat
General Approach to Addressing Climate Change:
- Do nothing - human activity is not changing the climate
- Wait and see – not clear yet if climate change real or a serious threat
- Adaptation planning just in case
- Abundant, affordable energy essential
- Focus on adaptation, not mitigation
- Market forces main tool to mitigate climate change (hypothetical or real)
- Market forces main tool to adapt to climate change (hypothetical or real)
- Government plays a role but should avoid negative economic impact
- Government must be aggressive, even ifnegative economic impact
Goals related to Climate Change:
- No goals: warming and/or threat not established
- Warming not certain, but reduce emissions as precaution
- Just accept global warming – learn to live with it
- Reduce global warming
- Eliminate global warming
- Phase out all CO2 emissions
- Phase out nuclear energy
- Phase out natural gas
- Transition to 100% renewables
- Keep gas as part of energy mix
- Keep nuclear as part of energy mix
- Keep coal as part of energy mix
Proposed Policies:
- Reduce environmental regulation
- Increase environmental regulation to reduce emissions
- Increase research funding on basic science of climate change
- Increase research funding on mitigation/adaptation
- Conduct cost/benefit analyses of mitigation/adaptation proposals
- Marketplace incentives, such as subsidies and tax credits
- Marketplace penalties, such as taxes, fines and charges
- Modest carbon tax
- Major carbon tax
Of course, “other” will always be an option.
Reference: Top 10 Climate Deniers by Brendan DeMelle - the title says "10", but I count 11).
* The classification scheme is a work in progress - minor changes may be made.