Commentary on:  Hsiang et al (2017) “Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States.”

The authors of the above paper predict that by 2100 a good portion of the US will experience significant economic damage due to climate change. Their calculations assume a specific emissions trajectory known as Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5). 

RCP8.5 is one of four RCPs developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It is the “worst-case” RCP, projecting a global warming increase of 2.6° - 4.8°C by 2100.  RCP8.5 also comes with a storyline that would be consistent with such high GHG concentration levels by the end of this century.  The storyline is a set of socio-economic assumptions that provide a narrative for how we might get from here to there. The storylines aren’t carved in stone; different socio-economic developments could lead to the same climate change outcome – but to be taken seriously, a storyline has to be plausible.

In that spirit, let’s tackle the plausibility of the main storyline provided for RCP8.5 – aka the “business-as-usual” scenario referenced by Hsiang et al in their analysis of the economic effects of climate change.  Here are some key plot points of this storyline:

  • Delayed development of renewable energy technologies
  • Rebound of human population to 12 billion by 2100
  • Delayed improvements in agricultural land use
  • 10-fold increase in the use of coal as a power source
  • Move away from natural gas as an energy source

The RCP8.5 energy consumption picture could be summarized as delayed renewables, less natural gas, and a whole lot more coal. Overall energy use in 2100 would be 75% - 200% more than the other RCPs, per the following chart:

Source: van Vuuren, D. P., J. Edmonds, et al. (2011). "The representative concentration pathways: an overview." Climatic Change 109(1): 5.

So, how plausible is the RCP8.5 business-as-usual storyline for energy use? Not at all. Take coal, which the storyline has increasing ten-fold by 2100. Problem is, we’re already near peak coal. North American coal use peaked in 2005 and is down 25% since then. Europe’s coal consumption peaked in 2007.  Africa peaked in 2008 and Asia in 2011. The RCP8.5 storyline also has coal supplying 50% of the world’s energy needs in 2100. This is absurd. Coal is already down to 15% of the energy mix in the US and is projected to supply less than a third of the world’s energy consumption by 2050.  Coal is basically losing out to solar and wind, as per the following:

Note too that all of the RCP storylines underestimated how fast solar and wind would become major players in the energy game.

Next: Continuing interrogation of the “business-as-usual” RCP8.5 storyline, as part of critiquing Hsiang et al’s paper. Specifically: what are the chances the global population will reach 12 billion by 2100? And what are the trends in agricultural land use?


"A closer look at scenario RCP8.5" Posted on December 13, 2015 by Larry Kummer

“Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States.” By Solomon Hsiang, Robert Kopp, Amir Jina, James Rising, Michael Delgado, Shashank Mohan, D. J. Rasmussen, Robert Muir-Wood, Paul Wilson, Michael Oppenheimer, Kate Larsen, Trevor Houser Science 30 Jun 2017: 1362-1369.

“On RCP8.5 and "the Business as Usual" Scenario – Different beasts not to be confused” Posted on June 30, 2015 by Blair