Check it out:

Millennial Leisure Activities.jpg

What stands out for me is the 6-12 minutes of reading a day. That's it??!!!

The above chart only covered the leisure activities of Millennials. Perhaps their elders are reading more? It doesn't appear so:

Leisure Time Use 2015.jpg

This chart covers all persons age 15 and older. I would imagine retirees read a bit more than the rest and so would skew the average reading time upwards by a few minutes. If we took out the oldsters, I'd guess American adults read, on average, 10-15 minutes a day - not counting perusing posts on social media, which probably falls under the category "using the computer for leisure". Of course, "on average" covers a lot of variation, from the non-readers to occasional binge readers to voracious readers.

Speaking of non-readers, according the the same BLS time use survey, a quarter of Americans didn't read a single book in 2015. 



DEEP DIVE: Millennials and Leisure.  Fung Global Retail & Technology  Accessed 9/2/17 at 3:05pm