The biosphere is in trouble. Consider the following:
Close to a fifth of all land plant species are threatened with extinction.
Flowering plants represent 90% of all living land plants.
Most of terrestrial life depends, either directly or indirectly, on flowering plants.
Around 90% of flowering plants depend on animals (mostly insects and birds) for pollination.
Pollinators are in serious decline around the globe, For instance, one German study found that flying insects have declined 75% over the past 27 years.
Invasive pests and diseases, exposure to pesticides, habitat destruction, and loss of floral abundance and diversity have all been implicated in the decline of insect pollinators
About one in eight bird species is threatened with global extinction.
Agriculture (including livestock grazing) has had the biggest impact on birds, followed by logging, invasive species, hunting, climate change and severe weather.
What to do? Better habitat management, for sure. But also: plants flowers - everywhere!
Next: Tips on planting flowing plants everywhere.