I care about outcomes, not motivation. Greed is good as long as greed delivers.

As far as government initiatives and policies, I want them to be responsive, defined as: 

"...careful, gradual, closely monitored, constantly adjusted, and, if indicated, halted altogether.” - Steven Pinker, p. 3132 (Kindle pagination) 

Responsive government is watchful; it doesn't just do it! and then rationalize whatever happens afterwards (only a bump on the road, folks - if we turn the screws more on the undeserving rich, it will all work out).

Responsive government is like a doctor treating a patient: sometimes 'wait and see' is the way to go and sometimes active intervention. Either way, the best doctors know how long to give the current approach a chance and when to cut one's losses and try something else. Above all else, the best doctors are not burdened by ego, former convictions, or the tyranny of past investment. They let go.

If only our public servants were like that.


Steven Pinker (2018) Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress Penguin Books. Kindle version.