This series consists of links and excerpts from my last 12 months of posts touching on the science and politics of climate change.

Climate Change: Moral Communities and Divisive Rhetoric  June 21, 2017

...we tend to become more categorical in our opinions when they serve as markers of belonging to a moral community. 

Climate Change: Labeling People and Framing the Issues  June 15, 2017

Doctors need to be willing to act boldly, willing to do nothing, and willing to change their minds. Because the health of the patient is what’s important – not a foolish consistency with past opinions....So it should be when the planet is the patient.

How Not to Talk to a Climate Change Skeptic, Part VI  June 9, 2017

...many climate change skeptics don’t contest that the climate is warming.  That’s rarely the issue. More often, the argument is that the relative contribution to warming of human activity/GHG emissions hasn’t been proven to exceed 50%. Or that the pace or extent of warming is not alarming, so does not require extraordinary measures. 

How Not to Talk to a Climate Change Skeptic, Part V  June 1, 2017

Skeptics aren’t going to be impressed with ‘stories’ and ‘personal experiences’. They want to argue the science. 

Straw Men and Their Variations, Part II: Comment on 'The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels'  May 28, 2017

...plenty of environmentalists include humans in their circle of caring. It's just that their circle includes more than humans. Such caring doesn't need a rationale. It doesn't even need to be rational.

How Not to Talk to a Climate Change Skeptic, Part IV  May 17, 2017

...start with questions, listen, ask follow-up questions, and keep your own opinions to yourself until after you have heard them out. That’s how you show respect.