By way of introduction, I'll start with some quotes and stats:

AI experts predict the future: Truck drivers out of jobs by 2027.

- ZDNet/Hundreds of AI experts predict when their models will beat humans at everything

Current Employment/Heavy Truck Drivers (2016): 1,871,700.  Projected Employment/Heavy Truck Drivers in 2026:  1,980,100 ( 108,400 additional jobs)

- Occupational Outlook Handbook/US Bureau of Labor Statistics/Employment Projections for Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers

Robots will take over half of today’s jobs in 10-20 years.

- MarketWatch/This chart spells out in black and white just how many jobs will be lost to robots

Over the period of 2016-2026, employment in 647 occupations is projected to grow, while employment in 168 occupations is projected to decline. Overall employment is projected to increase by 11.5 million, an increase from 156.1 million to 167.6 million.

- US Bureau of Labor Statistics/Employment Projections: 2016-26 Summary

Despite all the buzz about robots, they're not going to make a serious dent in the overall number of jobs over the forseeable future. I'll explain why in subsequent posts. In the meantime, a couple charts to meet your daily data consumption needs:

2018 Fastest Growing Occupations.png
2018 Fastest Declining Occupations.png