“On average, it takes 10 years to develop a vaccine. With the COVID-19 crisis looming, everyone is hoping that this time will be different…a few optimists believe that hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine might be ready for roll-out by the end of 2020.” - Asher Mullard “COVID-19 vaccine development pipeline gears up” Lancet June 2020

I’m not saying the optimists are right, but scientists are moving quickly. Already there are 124 Covid-19 vaccines in development , with ten vaccines in clinical trials. These are:

Vaccine Trials List June 2020.png

There’s no guarantee a successful Covid-19 vaccine would offer lifetime immunity. But even if the vaccine ensured not immunity but mild symptoms only, that would be enough for people to get on with their lives. And for the world economy to get back on track - which would save even more lives.

Further reading:

“124 coronavirus vaccines are in development – but will any work?” Michael Le Page/New Scientist June 3, 2020.

“COVID-19 vaccine development pipeline gears up” Asher Mullard/The Lancet  June 2020