Pew Research Center has released eight political typology reports since 1987.  Its typologies sort Americans into “cohesive, like-minded groups based on their values, beliefs, and views about politics and the political system”. Pew’s latest typology divides the public into nine distinct groups, based on survey responses of 10,221 adults interviewed multiple times in 2020 and 2021. As described in Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology, these groups are:

  1. Faith and Flag Conservatives (10% of public): Faith and Flag Conservatives are highly religious, politically engaged and both socially and economically conservative. They favor a robust role for religion in public life and a smaller role for government in society, and they hold that a strong American military is essential in international affairs. They overwhelmingly identify with the GOP and remain strong supporters of former President Donald Trump. 

  2. Committed Conservatives (7% of public): Staunchly conservative and overwhelmingly Republican, Committed Conservatives hold pro-business views traditionally associated with the Republican Party, have favorable attitudes about international trade and favor a limited role of government. Their approach to international relations centers on engaging with U.S. allies and maintaining American military might. 

  3. Populist Right (11% of public): Very conservative and overwhelmingly Republican, Populist Right hold highly restrictive views about immigration policy and are very critical of government. But, in contrast to other parts of the GOP coalition, their criticism extends well beyond government to views of big business and to the economic system as a whole: 82% say that large corporations are having a negative impact on the way things are going in the country, and nearly half support higher taxes on the wealthy and on large corporations. 

  4. Ambivalent Right (12% of public): On issues ranging from the size of the federal government to views about business, gender and race, Ambivalent Right hold many views that are largely consistent with core conservative values. Yet they also hold more moderate stances on several social issues and differ from some other segments of the GOP coalition in taking a more internationalist view of foreign policy and a less restrictive position on immigration. 

  5. Stressed Sideliners (15% of public): Stressed Sideliners are generally disconnected from politics and the two major parties, voting at lower rates than most other typology groups. Although Stressed Sideliners make up 15% of American adults, they were just 10% of 2020 voters due to their relatively low turnout rate. Still, they represent substantial shares of both parties’ coalitions. 

  6. Outsider Left (10% of public): Outsider Left are the youngest typology group, making up 10% of the public. Holding liberal views on most issues and overwhelmingly voting Democratic, they aren’t particularly enamored with the Democratic Party – though they have deeply negative views of the GOP. 

  7. Democratic Mainstays (15% of public): Democratic Mainstays are one of the largest groups in the political typology and the largest single group as a share of the Democratic coalition. They generally favor policies that expand the social safety net and support higher taxes on corporations. But they are somewhat more hawkish than other Democratic-oriented groups on foreign policy and less liberal on immigration policy and some social issues. 

  8. Establishment Liberals (13% of public): While deeply liberal – roughly half describe themselves as either liberal (41%) or very liberal (12%) – Establishment Liberals are the typology group most likely to see value in political compromise and tend to be more inclined toward more measured approaches to societal change than their Progressive Left counterparts. Like other Democratic-oriented groups, most Establishment Liberals (73%) say a lot more needs to be done to ensure racial equality. Yet they are the only Democratic-aligned group in which a majority of those who say a lot more needs to be done also say this can be achieved by working within the current system. 

  9. Progressive Left (6% of public): Progressive Left have very liberal views across a range of issues – including the size and scope of government, foreign policy, immigration and race. A sizable majority (79%) describe their views as liberal, including 42% who say their views are very liberal – double the share of the next largest group (20% of Outsider Left)

Here are the survey questions and response options Pew used to determine the latest political groups:

You can also take the political typology quiz online, at Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology.

Next: Views on societal Issues, by political group (five charts, minimal commentary).

Reference: Pew Research Center, Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology November 9, 2021