While on vacation this month, I’ll be re-posting some of my earliest posts. This one’s from January 2017.


If You Thought That Was Bad…

In mindfulness discourse, the central problem is suffering. Life is full of unavoidable suffering: we can’t hold onto happiness, everything changes, nothing lasts, everybody dies, pain in inevitable, we are endlessly seeking and desiring without lasting satisfaction; an inner emptiness haunts our every moment. It goes on and on.

But wait: it gets worse! Piled on top of the suffering that is our existential lot as humans, there is the bonus suffering of modern life: all those toxins, all that stress, all that…...television, source of:

“… staggering amounts of information, images, and sounds, much of it frenetic, violent, cruel, and anxiety-producing, and all of it artificial and two-dimensional, not related to actual experiences…”

- Jon Kabat-Zinn (2013) p. 9204

Is life really that awful?


Jon Kabat-Zinn (2013) Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, Kindle Version, Revised Edition; Bantam Books, New York.