Viewing entries tagged
Ideology and Politics

Laying the Groundwork for an Israel-Palestinian Peace Plan, Part II: The Status of Democracy in the Middle East

Democratic countries are happier and healthier than autocratic countries, even after controlling for economic factors like wealth and poverty (Tov & Diener, 2009; Barnish, Tørnes, et al, 2018). I want a peace plan that maximizes the wellbeing of people on both sides of the conflict and for that to happen, a peace plan should seek to strengthen the democratic institutions and cultures of both Israel and Palestine. Of course, democracy by itself can’t guarantee good governance, public safety or economic prosperity – but it lays the foundation for their possibility and improvement.

Laying the Groundwork for an Israel-Palestinian Peace Plan, Part I: Political Rights and Civil Liberties in the Middle East

Freedom House (FH) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1941, with Wendell Willkie and Eleanor Roosevelt serving as its first honorary chairpersons. Best known for political advocacy surrounding issues of democracy, political freedom, and human rights, the organization's annual Freedom in the World report assesses the political rights and civil liberties of countries and territories around the world.

The Psychology of Social Justice: Relative Deprivation

In prepping for this series on social justice, I came across a great meta-analysis on the research and theory of "relative deprivation", which the authors define as "the judgment that one is worse off compared to some standard accompanied by feelings of anger and resentment" (Smith, Pettigrew et al, 2011, p 203)

The Psychology of Social Justice: What Do People Deserve?

It's no accident that political arguments about social justice tend to focus on the role of hard work versus luck. For instance, in a recent Pew Research Survey, 73 % of Solid Liberals agreed that “hard work and determination are no guarantee of success for most people”, compared to 4% of Core Conservatives. That's a huge difference. No wonder the partisan divide has turned into a chasm. The disagreements are on so many levels: bickering turtles all the way down.

The Psychology of Social Justice: Perceived Control, Hope, and Inequality

So how does this all connect with the psychology of social justice? Mainly to show that there is no "natural" response to status differences and inequality. Whether we respond with resentment, depression, fear, stress, envy, anger, indignation, admiration, aesthetic pleasure, or even happiness at another's good fortune...all depends.

Annotated Charts, Part II: Confidence in the Police and Criminal Justice System, 1993-2023

Mmm…pretty steady in the confidence department until around 2017, then a downward trend, accelerating since 2020. I put the “civil unrest” lines in the chart to see if confidence in police dipped after periods of anti-police civil unrest. No pattern there until 2020, when high confidence responses dipped 5 points over the period of 2020 - 2023.

Antiscience: Another Word Best Consigned to the Dustbin of History

There actually have been people and movements that were more broadly antiscience than today’s this-or-that skeptics: what we used to call “new age” types, e.g., members of religious cults and believers in the occult. In his oft-cited 1993 book Science and Anti-Science, Gerald Holton mentions “interest in astrology” as indicative of antiscience beliefs, as least as “conventionally” understood (his word).

Commentary on Plans for Environmental Programs under a Second Trump Administration, Part III: Environmental Protection Agency

“Stop all grants to advocacy groups?” I’m assuming “advocacy groups” refers to environmental groups, many of which employ scientists and policy wonks with expertise directly relevant to EPA concerns…Why in the world should the EPA simply stop using these groups? It’s possible to have strong convictions about the environment (whether nature-or human-centered, whether left or right) and maintain a high level of professional integrity. Environmental activists can still provide high quality information and advice.  The EPA doesn’t have to embrace their ideological convictions to benefit from their input.  

How Democrat and Republican Views on Environmental Policy have Changed over The Last 30 Years

There was a time when Republicans embraced the cause of environmental protection. Think Progress noted that “some of the greatest conservationists ever to take the oath of office were Republicans.” Both Greenpeace and the Union of Concerned Scientists rated Richard Nixon one of the greenest president ever.  And we're not talking ancient history here: both Presidents Bush supported cap and trade policies to reduce pollution…So what happened?

Commentary on Plans for Environmental Programs under a Second Trump Administration, Part II: The Department of the Interior

The American public has largely come around to Carter’s vision of protecting huge swaths of wilderness in the US. For example, by 2017, 70% of American voters opposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This included 84% of Democrats, 64% of Independents, and 52% of Republicans. (Leiserowitz et al, 2017). However, Trump was not among those Republicans…on his last day of office, his administration “issued drilling leases on more than 400,000 acres (160,000 hectares) of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge” (Reuters, January 19, 2021)

The Adam Gopnik Series, Part II: How to Fix Democracy

“Abstraction is the enemy of personal empathy, but it’s essential for equitable elections. Villages are communal, but they aren’t truly democratic. A level of abstraction is necessary to imagine other citizens as equal agents with rights, not clan histories.” - Adam Gopnik, To Fix Democracy, First Figure Out What’s Broken

Commentary on Plans for Environmental Programs under a Second Trump Administration, Part I:  The USDA

Excerpt from Plan for Trump Administration: “The next Administration should champion the elimination of the Conservation Reserve Program…The USDA should work with Congress to eliminate this overbroad program.”

Comment:  Note that the Conservation Reserve program, established during the Reagan administration, already targets highly erodible land and areas with “significant adverse water quality, wildlife habitat, or other natural resource impacts related to activities of agricultural production”.  Those are specific and concrete environmental harms – not overly broad at all.

Politics and the Environment, Part III: Plans for Federal Lands and the Endangered Species Act under a Second Trump Administration

Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise is a project led by the Heritage Foundation that outlines policy goals for a second Trump term. William Perry Pendley is the author of Chapter 16: Department of the Interior. Pendley was appointed to deputy director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in 2019 and later served in an unofficial capacity as acting director of the BLM for the remainder of the Trump administration. My intention for this series of posts is purely informational, so for now I’m keeping my opinions to myself.

Politics and the Environment, Part II: Plans for the Environmental Protection Agency under a Second Trump Administration

Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise is a project led by the Heritage Foundation that outlines policy goals for a second Trump term. Mandy Gunasekara is the author of Chapter 13: The Environmental Protection Agency. Gunasekara was Chief of Staff to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler from March 2020 – January 2021. Here are excerpts from Chapter 13. Note that my intention in this series of posts in purely informational. For now, I’ll be keeping my opinions to myself.

Politics and the Environment, Part I: The Trump Administration's Record

The following are excerpts from articles written during or shortly after the Trump administration. List of articles:

  • The Trump administration’s major environmental deregulations.

  • The Trump Administration Rolled Back More Than 100 Environmental Rules. Here’s the Full List.

  • Trump Cuts EPA Budget Again.

  • Latest Trump proposal on endangered species could limit future habitat, critics say

  • The environmental legacy of President Trump.

Why Do Americans Feel the Way They Do about the Economy?

Consumer sentiment measures are the best predictor of how Americans feel about the economy, especially the University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Index (CSI). The CSI provides a composite consumer sentiment score, based on answers to the following 5 survey questions…

The American Dream: An Update

The responses to another survey question shed a little light on the matter. In response to Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “The economic and political systems in the country are stacked against people like me”, 51% of respondents either strongly or somewhat agreed. But what does that even mean?

Biased Media + Shady Researchers: The Case of Miracle Money for the Homeless

Actually, “findings” is too strong a word. The data is all self-report and thus subject to desirability bias. The homeless individuals in the study know the researchers want the intervention to be successful. They form relationships with the “phone buddies” who ask them all these questions. I imagine some participants would hesitate to tell the whole truth and nothing but.

What would Make Redlining a Root Cause of the Black-White Homeownership Gap (If It is One), Part II

Andre Perry and David Harshbarger of the Brookings Institute have already crunched those numbers. To quote:

…approximately 11 million Americans (10,852,727) live in once-redlined areas, according to the latest population data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (2017). This population is majority-minority but not majority-Black, and, contrary to conventional perceptions, Black residents also do not form a plurality in these areas overall. The Black population share is approximately 28%, ranking third among the racial groups who live in formerly redlined areas, behind white and Latino or Hispanic residents…While still a tremendously large population, the approximately 3 million Black residents in redlined areas account for just 8% of all non-Latino or Hispanic Black Americans.

What do Migrants Want?

What do migrants want? Opinions vary:

“Settler colonialism is distinct from migration because immigrants aim to integrate into an existing society, not replace it.” Wikipedia/Settler Colonialism

“Like many immigrant groups, Africans are keen to preserve their cultural identity and ensure their children do not replace their traditional values with foreign ideas.” Africa Renewal/United Nations publication

So what is it? Assimilation to the new or preservation of the old? I suspect for most immigrants it’s a combination of the two.