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Politics and Economics

Eliminating Poverty and Reducing Inequality: Thoughts and Ideas, Part I

What matters is a sense of control and hope within a lifetime. The feeling that through my actions, I can make progress towards something that matters to me. Self-efficacy! Not that I’m the master of my destiny – more that there are things I can do that will make it better.

Ideology, Part II

Political coalitions are more or less ideological.  On the less ideological side, they may be held together by alliances of convenience, whose common cause may be more dislike of the other side than broad agreement on a range of issues.

Ideology, Part I

An ideology is an army of convictions about how the world is and how it ought to be. As befitting a military force, ideologies are fueled by a sense of threat - kept at bay through a fortress-like structure called the ideological square.

Reducing the Cost of US Healthcare, Part I

The AMA campaigned against Medicare, FDR’s efforts to include health insurance with Social Security, Harry Truman’s universal-insurance scheme, and Bill Clinton’s healthcare plans.

Art and Commerce: The Unhappy Couple, Part II

Some neural networks are associated with attention capture, where the stimulus rules. Other networks are associated with attention deployment, where goals rule.

Healthcare Costs and What to Do about Them/Part III

...specialists get paid more in The Netherlands and Australia, but the healthcare systems in those countries use GPs as gatekeepers, meaning to see a specialist, your GP has to refer you to one. Gatekeeping is an important cost-containment measure...  Gatekeeping is not nearly as widespread in the US.

Healthcare Costs and What to Do about Them/Part I

The imminent dismantling of Obamacare is a shame and an opportunity to do it better next time. Two main challenges: reining in cost and achieving universal coverage. This series will address the cost issue.

A List for Santa

Education, healthcare, healthy food, safety, and housing: those are the basic goods governments should strive to provide for all citizens.  Plus some type of safety net...


Patriotism is devotion and loyalty to one’s country. Some say patriotism is the author of all sorts of ills. It easily morphs into its ugly cousin Nationalism, that bully with a superiority complex. By favoring one’s own country over others, patriotism encourages the denigration, hatred or distrust of others, making violations of human rights more acceptable.  

How to Dehumanize the Political Opposition

There are two ways we dehumanize others: focus on their machine-like qualities or stress their animal nature. Mechanistic dehumanization characterizes people as unemotional, cold, and rule-bound, like robots or automatons. Animalistic dehumanization portrays people as overly emotional, impulsive, and childlike.  

College and a Living Wage

Helping people in the short term may lead them to make decisions that harm them in the long run. No, this isn’t some cranky diatribe against the welfare state or an argument for tough love. It’s more a plea for activists and politicians to look beyond the intended impact of do-good laws and to seriously consider trade-offs and potential unintended consequences.

The Perils of Profiling Trump Supporters, Part III

Trump supporters are often portrayed as economically stressed victims of globalization and the decline of US manufacturing, worried about job security and stagnating incomes. But as the last post documented, they do not appear to be plagued by trouble finding work. By and large, Trump Country has low unemployment rates.