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Politics and Economics

Mindfulness and Politics, Part I: Parties and Narratives

...mindfulness teachers and advocates, whom I assume don't want to drive away potential converts by creating a political litmus test for membership in the mindful community.  Even groups that have promoted mindful political engagement shy away from explicit party affiliation

Unpacking Inequality, Part II: To Be Deserving, or Not

Arguments against the Deserving Rich:

  1. Retaining wealth is undeserved when others are in need.
  2. Most wealth is acquired through exploitation and force.
  3. Even if ability and hard work generate wealth, luck is the ultimate cause because a person's wealth-producing qualities are a product of favorable circumstances.
  4. Lots of hard-working people remain poor.
  5. Lots of people get rich because of connections or lucky breaks.
  6. Size matters. No one deserves to be filthy rich.

Unpacking Inequality, Part I: The Bare Essentials

Assuming some degree of inequality is compatible with the principle of fairness, on what basis would some people deserve more than others?   In surveys and lab studies,  participants have generally considered it fair to reward ability, effort, and moral behavior with more stuff. But when people are presented with hypothetical scenarios of economic good fortune, they're fine with "brute luck" as a source of riches. No begrudging the lottery winner.

Unpacking Inequality: Introductory Remarks

Let's unpack what's so bad about inequality in and of itself. Say we eliminate poverty and create conditions that facilitate individual social mobility; healthcare is universal; housing is generally affordable...

Healthcare: How the Japanese Do It

The Japanese healthcare system does illustrate how regulation can sometimes be the friend of innovation. The government overseers set low reimbursement rates for MRIs. So what did the Japanese do? Develop cheap MRI machines. Create the right incentives and inventions will follow.

The Three Pillars of Health Care Reform: Coverage, Cost, and Quality

There's no way you can go from making it easier to buy health insurance, or to incentivize buying health insurance, and get to universal coverage. Some people just can't or won't buy insurance.  The US would still have millions uninsured if we had a completely voluntary system.

Moving is So Hard to Do

America used to be the mobile society. People would pick up and move to the next opportunity or adventure. Oregon Ho! Sure, moving could be scary - failure was always a possibility - and yet we took that risk time and again. Then we stopped. What happened?

Studying the Universal Basic Income

Canada  and Finland  have recently begun pilot studies designed to assess the feasibility of a universal basic income (UBI). Both studies involve providing a basic income to disadvantaged individuals for a substantial period of time. The Canadian study is set to last two years and the Finnish study three years. Payments are not means-tested and will continue for the duration of the study period regardless if the recipients find work or better employment.

Wages, Hope, and Effort

Getting, keeping, and mastering a job is a huge confidence-building experience. Hope falters without confidence. Effort falters without hope: if nothing will come of my effort, why try?  Chronic unemployment zaps the will and can lead to a downward spiral. That’s why it's so important for employers to be willing to take risks on 'non-optimal' job applicants.

Journalistic Acts of Omission, Case I: Seattle Wages

We have no idea what the actual wage increases were, since the “tip credit” was used by many employers. Also, Seattle was booming during the period studied. How did the researchers control for the effects of skyrocketing employment and economic growth in Seattle? 

Why Americans Don't Save, Part IV

Now let’s look at Financial Shocks, focusing on sudden cut-off of an income stream. Usually we’re talking about a job lost to employer action (being laid off) or disability. If people are less worried about financial shocks, they may save a little bit less than before.

Inequality and Social Comparison

According to one study, being around the rich makes us want to buy status-enhancing "visible goods", like fancy cars or clothes. And that might reduce household savings by about 3% a year for the non-rich folks.

Why Americans Don’t Save, Part II

Between home equity, investment savings, pensions, Social Security, Medicare, and supplemental insurance,  most older Americans have the assets, income streams, and protections against adversity that are the envy of the age-impaired.

Why Americans Don’t Save, Part I

The decline in savings among rich countries is global, so whatever is behind this trend is unlikely to be specific to the US.

The Moral Foundations Questionnaire: an Apple Predicting Itself

I'll be brief: no self-respecting liberal would use the following terminology or concepts without wink wink irony: purity, decency, conformity, tradition, God as source of authority, pride of country, the rightness of gender roles, something being unnatural, chastity as virtue.

Moral Intuitions, Political Identity, and the Feedback Loop

The big picture is not only about what really matters but also about how things work. People change political beliefs in part because they've come to a different understanding of how the world works. These changes in understanding often come about gradually in response to life experience and whatever narratives are available that help make sense of these experiences.

What Matters to Libertarians, Liberals, and Conservatives, Part IV

...people often change their political philosophies as they get older - and not just in lock-step with changes in their moral intuitions. Experience matters.  Arguments and evidence matter. Reflection matters. Our ideas about how to make the world a better place aren't frozen in time and temperament. Of course we can't escape our psychology - but our psychology is not the absolute ruler of our politics.