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Crimes and Their Clearance Rates

Looking at Philadelphia, it appears that homicides vary with clearance rates after a lag time. For instance, the Philadelphia Homicide Unit reported a 70% clearance rate in 2012 and the following year homicides went down 26%...

Analyzing Crime Patterns: Hard but Fruitful Labor

One would think that per capita income would have a strong positive link to crime, other variables held constant. But when population was also included in in the data analysis, income lost its statistical significance, while population retained significance.

What Kills Personal Initiative and Why Should We Care, Part II

Individuals who favor "avoidance goals" tend to feel less in control, less satisfied with their progress, and less competent than individuals with lots of "approach goals".  In other words,  their happiness feeder streams have become mere trickles.

What Kills Personal Initiative and Why Should We Care, Part I

Personal initiative is a proactive and goal-oriented mindset, characterized by long-term focus and persistence in the face of obstacles and setbacks.  Such a mindset is action-oriented, planful, and anticipatory: quickly turning goals into actions - with back-up plans ready just in case.

Essentialize That!

Essence means "the basic, real, and invariable nature" of something. And it is in that sense that I see a tendency for some of us to interpret a person's moment of insensitivity, provocativeness or even hate as proof of their essence, as if whatever appeared to be benign or good-natured before was just a sham that obscured what the person "really" is.

Happiness and Its Feeder Streams

How do we find a balance between satisfaction with what is and wanting more?  Easy for an old person to say: it is enough. Not so when you’re young and chomping at the bit.

Inequality and Happiness, Part IV

Americans are still a fairly socially mobile people, but part of the population is stuck. What can the US government do to help these folk? Some ideas...

Inequality and Happiness, Part III

If I'm a roofer living in a working class neighborhood, I'm not measuring my status against super-rich CEOs or Hollywood superstars, I'm looking at how my relatives, neighbors, friends, associates, and fellow roofers are doing.

Inequality and Happiness, Part I

...happiness as felicity contains multitudes: a sweet and humble sense of well-being that comes from productive labor in harmony with one's nature and the world, mixed with gratitude for one's good fortune and satisfaction at being able to share the fruits of one's labor.

Speaking of Strawmen - Lay off Rational Choice Theory!

Rational Choice Theory (RCT) is not a theory about human nature. It's an idealized model that helps economists and political scientists make hypotheses and predictions..."Rational" doesn't mean uninfluenced by "desires, novelty, status" or what have you.  It means choosing actions that somehow help achieve goals

How We Spend Our Leisure Time

...American adults read, on average, 10-15 minutes a day - not counting perusing posts on social media, which probably falls under the category "using the computer for leisure". Of course, "on average"covers a lot of variation, from the non-readers to occasional binge readers to voracious readers.

The Social Comparison Blues

It doesn't take much to trigger the SC blues: basically you reach a threshold of unfavorable self-comparison and bam!  Perhaps the SC blues is subject to a dose effect: the misery of social comparison doesn't keep ramping up with exposure to ever more dazzling people.

Was Google Wrong to Fire Engineer over Diversity Memo, Part V: People and Things

"Technical manuals for 47 interest inventories were used, yielding 503,188 respondents. Results showed that men prefer working with things and women prefer working with people, producing a large effect size (d _ 0.93) on the Things–People dimension."

- Su, Rounds and Armstrong (2009) Men and things, women and people: A meta-analysis of sex differences in interests.

Was Google Wrong to Fire Engineer over Diversity Memo, Part II: Gender Differences

...the Diversity Memo's author says that, on average, women are more open, people-oriented, gregarious, anxious, and agreeable than men and men are more thing-oriented, systemizing, assertive, and status-driven. He further notes that biology accounts only partly for these gender differences, many of which are small, and there is considerable overlap between men and women.

Happiness, Part I: Variations and Surveys

Another sense of happiness is about experiencing positive emotions. Gallup has a survey for that too – and it seems that experiencing positive emotions and being satisfied with life don't necessarily go together:  country rankings are completely different.