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The Politics of Virtue

“…industry, self-reliance, frugality, self restraint or control, modesty, temperance, fortitude, cheerfulness, civility, compassion, and respect for the property of other persons.” Jean M. Yarbrough, author of American Virtues: Thomas Jefferson on the Character of a Free People.

What would be the opposite of these virtues?

When It Comes to Politics and Policy, Priorities Matter More Than Values

When people say that political differences boil down to differences in values, they’re often implying an unbridgeable gulf between their side and the other side. And so we have the increasing polarization and breakdown of communication between Democrats and Republicans. After all, if you don’t care about the same things, what’s the point in talking to each other?

Is The Other Side Morally Bankrupt?

To be bankrupt is to owe more than you can possibly pay. Which translates to irredeemable, as in rotten to the core. In politics, that translates to “I refuse to engage the other side, because they have the wrong values.” In other words, the Other Side cares about the wrong things.

Separation of State and Soul: Take Good Ideas Where You Can Get Them

As far as government policy goes, whatever works is fine with me. I don’t care if the boosters for a particular policy are in it only for the money, that they’re solely motivated by self-interest, greed, political advancement, salvation, selfless devotion to the common good, or pure compassion. Good people have bad ideas. Bad people have good ideas. The proof is in the pudding.

Locus of Control: Truth and Consequences

Locus of control is not just a belief in the head - it is a belief tendency that reflects reality and creates reality. Change the reality and the belief will shift - maybe not in lock-step but in time.

The Social Life of Cats

All that nose-touching, rubbing, and grooming comes with exchange of scents, suggesting that cats within a given colony develop a ‘colony odor’ that is maintained during these behaviors. 

Constrained Choice: Why People Do What They Do

To simplify a whole lot, there are two schools of thought about why people do what they do. One is that people can’t help it because behavior is an outcome of things that they have no control over, like culture, childhood trauma…The other school of thought says behavior is always “on-purpose”. In other words, behavior is goal-directed - by definition. We therefore choose what we do according to the perceived payoff: what we’re trying to achieve or avoid.

No College Degree? No Problem!

Of course, few people want to settle for a low-wage job. So what’s a non-college graduate to do? One thing is to complete a certificate job training program, which can almost double the earning potential of individuals without a high school diploma. Check it out:…

Are Veterinarians Nicer Than Doctors? If So, Why?

I have noticed these differences in the manner of veterinarians and physicians for years. Why the difference? Is it a matter of workload and stress? Status and power? How much can’t be helped and how much is a choice? How much is related to different incentives and payment systems?

The Perils of Moral Outrage

To the morally outraged, justice is a righteous Reckoning, a collection of what is due. Punishment is a necessary payment to balance the books. But when is enough, enough?

Was The Sexual Revolution a Mistake? Part I

According to this view, the sexual revolution allowed men to rationalize sexual pushiness as an expression of cultural liberation, guilt-tripping or otherwise pressuring women to yield in the name of freedom, or of “letting go”. …Or is the sexual revolution being blamed for ills that have other causes?

Truth-Value and Use-Value: The Case of the Always-Changing Climate

My point here is simply to highlight that disagreements about “facts” are often less about their accuracy than their use-value - that is, what would happen if a lot of people accepted these facts as true. And thus we have a whole industry of scribblers and pundits who provide “context” to uncontested facts. Of course, such context comes with its own truth-value and use-value.

Nationalism: A Common Project And A Common Burden

[Americans] “felt ashamed that ‘their’ country's history was being stained by cruelties, lies, and betrayals. So they went to work in protest—not merely as advocates of universal human rights, but as Americans who loved the common American project…

Beyond Left and Right: Thinking within the Box.

Doing the math, that means 15% of the American electorate are liberal Democrats and 17% are conservative Republicans. Yet liberals and conservatives are increasingly dominating their respective parties, meaning a lot of the poor electorate is being left out of the political equation. These marginalized Americans may vote for whatever party is closest to their views, but that doesn’t mean they’re happy with it. And it certainly doesn’t mean that they are “really” Democrats or Republicans, as if those two labels represented a natural division of humanity. As if all political inclinations were points along a line stretching from left to right, liberal to conservative. As if “moderate” was simply a middle range on the line, a weaker version of the end points. As if moderates were liberals and conservatives who simply lacked the courage of their true convictions.

Let’s think beyond the line. Thinking within a box would be progress.

Power and Bad Behavior: The Corrupting Effect of Goals

We've heard that power corrupts, which is another way of saying that having power makes it easier to lie, cheat, steal, inflict pain, or otherwise engage in bad behavior. This is partly because powerful people tend to be strongly goal-directed…