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Politics and Economics

How to Weaken One's Inner Ideologue

I’ll start this exploration with my long-standing definition of ideology as “an army of convictions about how the world is and how it ought to be.” This definition is remarkably similar to one provided by Cory Clark and Bo Winegard in their paper, Tribalism in War and Peace: The Nature and Evolution of Ideological Epistemology and Its Significance for Modern Social Science:

By ideology, we mean, roughly, a mental model of the world and the social order that is both descriptive (how the world is) and normative (how it should be); and by sacred value, we mean, roughly, a value that is held particularly fervidly and that one is incredibly reluctant to relinquish.

So what are ideological tendencies? Ways of thinking and reasoning that distort reality and which are motivated by ideological beliefs. Some examples: …

Facts, Figures, and Findings: Some Research into the Problem of Police Brutality

The first step in fixing a problem is understanding it. That includes having a solid grasp of how big the problem is, relevant context, and whether the problem is getting better or worse. So I’ve been doing some research on the problem of police brutality against blacks. Here is a bit of what I’ve found:

What Social Mobility Looks Like: How Household Income Changes across the Lifespan (Chart)

We often talk of the middle-class or the one percent as if they were the same group of people from year to year. But most Americans move up and down the income ladder across the lifespan: mostly up during the peak earning years of 25-54 and then slowly down as they ease into retirement. Many experience a few years of poverty when young but then eventually reach the middle-class and beyond as they get older. This chart tell the story:

Should We be Worried about the Erosion of Free Speech Norms? Yes - and Here's Why.

One response to “A Letter on Justice and Open Debate” was “A More Specific Letter on Justice and Open Debate”, signed by 163 individuals in The Objective on July 10, 2020. This second letter (aka “the Response”) is described by the signatories as “a group effort, started by journalists of color with contributions from the larger journalism, academic, and publishing community.” The Response includes the following 12 points …

It's Time to Stop Calling the Other Side "Fascists". Here's Why.

Fascism is a popular slur largely because it’s versatile: a word with no agreed-upon meaning, so accusers can use whatever definition works to hit their intended target. Often, these definitions read like symptom checklists. For example:

What the Polls Say: Public Opinion on Police Defunding

What caught my eye when first reading the San Francisco Chronicle piece was its reference to Pew Research polling data that “just 22% of African-Americans want police funding ‘decreased a lot’.” Say what!…Here’s a nice chart of the Pew respondent breakdown on police funding:

Imagining Possible Futures: The Brave New World of Social Justice Committees

What if….

…the progressive left completes its take-over of the Democratic Party. In the next election Democrats win the presidency and achieve majorities in both chambers of Congress. The new Congress passes a bunch of legislation to address “structural inequality and systemic racism”, including a law requiring large corporations to root out sexism and racism in the workplace. Specifically, the “Social Justice at Work Act” mandates that all corporations with at least 100 employees establish Social Justice Committees to deal with racist and sexist employees.

Proposal: Two-Tier Police System to Reduce Excessive Use of Force and Increase Community Trust

Law enforcement is about enforcing laws, which means to compel compliance with laws, typically through warnings, citations or arrests. While it’s a great idea to have social workers accompany cops on some calls, e.g., responding to mentally impaired or homeless individuals, it’s not a social worker’s job to enforce laws. That’s what the police do. Still, the “defund the police” people have a point: a lot of illegal activity is minor and does not require an armed response.

How the US Government Can Reduce Poverty on a Tight Federal Budget (High Debt Interest Payments, Falling Tax Revenues, and Greater Need)

The Adult Student Basic Income (ASBI) would effectively address poverty, volatility of income, job instability, and insufficient social mobility without discouraging labor market participation and at minimal expense to most taxpayers. I had previously envisioned the ASBI would be $1000/month, but the post-pandemic federal budget is going to be under a lot of strain for several years and something’s got to give. So let’s reduce that to $900 a month.

The Post-Pandemic Economy: A Basic Outline of Things to Come

…projects that GDP will decline by 5.6% from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020. If that happens, this year's decline would be the largest since GDP fell by 11.6% in 1946. A deep recession will further increase the size of the federal budget deficit since lower economic activity will reduce tax revenues and increase some federal expenditures, such as unemployment benefits.

Imagining a Post-Pandemic Future, Part III: Why We Need Criminal Justice Reform

Criminal justice is not about revenge, retribution, or righting historic wrongs. It’s about enforcing laws and maintaining public safety. Incarceration is not about making someone pay for their crimes or answer for the sins of their economic class, gender or race. Rather, the purpose of incarceration is to:

  • Deter criminal behavior

  • Protect society through temporary incapacitation of criminal offenders

  • Discourage recidivism

Let’s take these one at a time.

Arrest-Related Deaths: What Numbers Matter?

So what should be the point of comparison for questions of race, ethnicity and arrest-related deaths? The answer matters, because it sheds light on the nature of the problem…which in turn leads to better ideas on how to fix it.

Imagining a Post-Pandemic Future, Part II: Universal Healthcare on a Budget

Ok, let’s get this straight: US debt has skyrocketed and interest payments on the debt will crowd out other federal expenditures, all the while the US tax base becomes increasingly shaky and federal outlays on medical services will continue growing for the foreseeable future. It’s all too much, but I’m going to try to fix the situation, starting with the US healthcare system. The challenge: cut healthcare expenses while expanding coverage and maintaining quality. This actually is doable. Consider that at least 20% of US healthcare spending is unnecessary due to…