Per the Fed, in 1990, whites owned 90% of US household wealth, with Blacks owning 4%, Hispanics 2%, and Other (mostly Asian) 2%. In 2023, whites owned 82% of US household wealth, with Blacks owning 4%, Hispanics 3%, and Other 10%.
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Politics and Economics
Per the Fed, in 1990, whites owned 90% of US household wealth, with Blacks owning 4%, Hispanics 2%, and Other (mostly Asian) 2%. In 2023, whites owned 82% of US household wealth, with Blacks owning 4%, Hispanics 3%, and Other 10%.
As a consequence of these trends, young adults make up more of the lower portions of the income and wealth distributions than they used to. And that’s probably ok, because all the knowledge, skills and experience they’re acquiring in their 20s will come in handy when they finally set their minds to serious wealth-building in their 30s.
Per the US Census Bureau, here are the highest levels of education achieved by Americans in 2022: 37% have a bachelor’s degree or higher, 25% some college or an associates degree, 28% high school diploma, and 9% less than a high school diploma or its equivalent. And per the Federal Reserve, Americans with college degrees or higher own 71% of the country’s wealth…
A question I have is how much wealth-stagnation in the lower income groups has to do with education and marriage trends. Specifically, age at first marriage has increased by six years since 1990 and the percentage of Americans with four-year college degrees or higher has almost doubled, from 21% in 1990 to 38% in 2022. As a consequence of these trends, young adults make up more of the lower portions of the income and wealth distributions than they used to.
The Federal Reserve provides information on the distribution of U.S. household wealth in the form of interactive charts and tables. These allow users to explore household wealth components, shares and levels across various groups and time. The information was last updated in September 2023. This post will cover wealth assets and trends by wealth percentile group. First, a very brief explanation of terms.
What do migrants want? Opinions vary:
“Settler colonialism is distinct from migration because immigrants aim to integrate into an existing society, not replace it.” Wikipedia/Settler Colonialism
“Like many immigrant groups, Africans are keen to preserve their cultural identity and ensure their children do not replace their traditional values with foreign ideas.” Africa Renewal/United Nations publication
So what is it? Assimilation to the new or preservation of the old? I suspect for most immigrants it’s a combination of the two.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) defines Palestine refugees as:
“…persons whose normal place of residence was Palestine during the period 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948, and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict…The descendants of Palestine refugee males, including adopted children, are also eligible for registration.”
“Xi’s statement that the Chinese “firmly oppose hegemony and power politics in all their forms” might also seem ironic to Taiwan, which suffers regular large-scale displays of military force aimed to intimidate them; Canada, which saw China detain two of its citizens in an attempt to coerce Ottawa into rejecting a U.S. extradition request for wanted Chinese executive Meng Wanzhou; or Australia, against whom China’s government imposed heavy economic sanctions after Canberra called for an investigation of the origins of COVID-19.” - The Diplomat June 01, 2023
These excerpts are from: “To Fix Democracy, First Figure Out What’s Broken”, by Adam Gopnik/The New Yorker. September 25, 2023.
Lottery winners who settle in countries other than Israel will receive $24,000 in monthly increments over a period of two years, paid by Israel. They will also receive benefits and services from receiving countries, comparable to what recent immigrants receive in these countries.
The challenge was to come up with something that Israelis might actually go for. Israeli is a democracy, after all. This budget might pass muster. It’s actually rather stingy, but would still require a substantial tax increase to fund. I doubt Israeli voters would agree to spending more.
“Based on our review of 981,671 migrant records documented by USBP [US Border Patrol] from March 2021 through August 2022, addresses for more than 177,000 migrant records were either missing, invalid for delivery, or not legitimate residential locations.” - DHS Does Not Have Assurance That All Migrants Can be Located Once Released into the United States Office of Inspector General/Department of Homeland Security, September 6, 2023
Example of effective political messaging: “We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression--everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-- everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want . . . everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear . . . anywhere in the world.” - President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Message to Congress, January 6, 1941
In other words, I’ll address how politicians and elected officials might be able to persuade the public and powerful interests to go along with disagreeable policies that promise plenty of short-term pain and almost no immediate payoff, all for an eventual yet somewhat uncertain greater good.
But the US doesn’t just have a skills shortage - it also has a labor shortage, meaning there aren’t enough working-age adults living here to fill available jobs. We need more workers. In other words, we need more immigrants.
Unhelpful responses to this list (shorthand version): it’s not that bad; it’s not his fault; Robots/AI will solve a lot of these problems; just raise taxes on the rich/corporations; Trump/the right-wing/conservatives/Republicans are way worse; so-and-so says it ain’t so; but what about all the things he gets right?!
This is a problem of employability. Too many Americans lack the experience, knowledge and skills that employers want. On the individual level, lack of employability is associated with unemployment, poor job performance, and low wages. When widespread, a lack of employability negatively impacts a country’s labor productivity, standard of living and its potential for economic growth. Increasing the people’s employability boosts productivity, standard of living and economic growth, which translates to higher tax revenues for paying down the federal debt. So how can the US increase the employability of its people?
“The graying of America means that the portion of people who are of prime working age is getting smaller, with fewer workers available to fill open positions, ultimately reducing productivity, straining the federal budget, and slowing economic growth.” – Antonioli, J., & Malde, J. (2023)
That’s because between inflation and the growing federal debt, interest payments on that debt are gobbling up a larger share of federal revenue every year. Per the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), annual net interest costs would total $663 billion in 2023, and by 2053 interest costs on that debt are projected to be nearly three times the amount the federal government has historically spent on R&D, infrastructure, and education combined.
“Our message is that debt reduction, while desirable in principle, is unlikely in practice. Historically, countries have been able to [eliminate debt and sustain large surpluses] only when there exists political solidarity at the national level and when economic growth is strong… Looking forward, the challenges are daunting. Given ageing populations, governments will have to find additional finance for healthcare and pensions. They will have to finance spending on defense, climate change abatement and adaptation, and the digital transition.” - Living with High Public Debt by Serkan Arslanalp and Barry Eichengreen. August 2023.